DCC has an open admissions policy. Individuals are eligible for admission if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are 18 years of age or older and able to benefit academically from study at the community college, as demonstrated by assessment in reading, writing and mathematics. However, students may be required to participate in developmental studies before beginning coursework in a particular field of study. Minimum scores are noted in the chart below.
Students who are in their final semester of high school or homeschool can enroll in summers courses. These students must provide documentation of graduation in order to enroll in subsequent semesters.
Reading |
EDE 10 |
Writing |
EDE 10 |
Math |
MDE 10 |
Exceptions to this policy may be made by the college president only for documented reasons.
Individuals may be admitted to DCC as curricular or non-curricular students. Curricular students are those placed in degree, certificate, career studies certificate, or diploma programs. All other students are considered non-curricular.
Curricular Admissions (students taking credit courses, seeking to earn a degree, diploma, certificate, and/or career studies certificate):
- Apply online at www.danville.edu/getstarted. High school transcripts or equivalent are required for admission to the college and/or certain programs. Homeschool graduates must provide a transcript with a graduation date and may be required to provide documentation of coursework. The VCCS Student Information System academic records will be sufficient for colleges within the Virginia Community College System. *Virginia Residents: Please be sure to apply for in-state tuition rates on the admissions application. **In order to provide a safe and secure learning environment, admission to a Virginia Community College requires that ALL new applicants verify their identity. Applicants will need access to a computer or mobile device that has a camera in order to provide a real-time photo of yourself and upload a photo ID (Driver’s license, passport, ID card, etc.).
- Demonstrate readiness for program placement by completing the Direct Enrollment Survey (https://desurvey.vccs.edu) for multiple measures placement.
- Meet with an Academic Advisor. Students can contact the Advising Center at advising@danville.edu or 434-797-8420.
- Attend DCC ROCKS (New Student Orientation)
DCC ROCKS (Registration, Orientation, Computer Knowledge and Support) sessions are mandatory for new students prior to the start of classes. Students can sign up for a DCC ROCKS session at www.danville.edu/DCCROCKS.
Multiple Measures for Placement
Transcripts and test scores should be sent to admissions@danville.edu or DCC Enrollment Services, 1008 South Main Street, Danville, VA 24541 for review.
High School Graduates: 6 or more years since graduation
Students who graduated from high school or completed the GED or equivalent homeschool six or more years before applying to a VCCS college shall be placed into college level English and mathematics courses. After consultation with an advisor, students may request to enroll in co-requisite or pre-requisite developmental courses.
High School Graduates: less than 6 years since graduation
Students who graduated from high school or the equivalent less than six years before applying to a VCCS college shall be placed into college level English and mathematics courses using the following means and measures:
a) Any student who has earned an associate degree or higher or who has earned a C or better in college-level courses in math and/or English at a VCCS college or another institution will be considered ready for college level English and math courses provided they meet the prerequisites for the respective courses in their chosen program of study.
b) Any student who has successfully completed all required developmental courses at a VCCS institution will be considered ready for college level English and math courses.
c) Any student who has successfully completed all required developmental courses at a non-VCCS institution will have their coursework evaluated for entry into college level math and English courses.
d) Any student who placed into or attempted a college-level math course, regardless of the grade earned, at another college may be placed into the equivalent VCCS math course.
e) Student-reported high school GPA and highest math course will be used to determine readiness to enroll in college level English and math courses as shown in Measures for College Level Math and English Readiness. High school seniors who have not yet graduated may be evaluated as of the completion of the first semester of the senior year to determine readiness for placement into college-level courses.
f) Official or unofficial GED, ACT and SAT score reports may be used to determine readiness to enroll in college level English and math courses as shown in Measures for College Level Math and English Readiness.
g) Virginia Placement Test (VPT) may be used only where external documentation of prerequisite or co-requisite developmental courses is required or where otherwise stipulated in policy for a specific group.
Measures for College Level Math Readiness
Student readiness for college level math courses will be determined using one of the following measures.
Math Measures |
Standard |
Math Course Options |
Graduation from high school or an equivalent homeschool six or more years before applying to a VCCS college
Completed VCCS Enrollment Survey
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154
MTH 155
MTH 161, or
MTH 167
HSGPA and Algebra II
3.0 or higher
Less than 2.0
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154
MTH 155
MTH 161 or
MTH 167
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133
MTH 154+MDE 54,
MTH 161+MDE 61
MDE 10
SAT - Math
500 or above
470-490 range
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154,
MTH 155,
MTH 161 or 167
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154,
MTH 155, or
MTH 161+MDE 61
ACT - Subject Area Test Math
18 or above
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154,
MTH 155,
MTH 161, or
MTH 167
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154,
MTH 161+MDE 61
GED - Mathematical Reasoning
165 or above
155-164 range
154 or below
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTE 154,
MTH 155, or
MTH 161+MDE 61
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133,
MTH 154+MDE 54,
MTH 155+MDE 55, or
MDE 60
MDE 10
VPT - Virginia Placement Test
Eight or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied
Six or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied
Four or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied
Three or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied
Two or more MTT/MTE competencies satisfied
One or fewer MTT/MTE competencies satisfied
Student may enroll in:
MTH 161
MTH 167
Student may enroll in:
MTH 154
MTH 155
Student may enroll in:
MTH 154
MTH 155
Student may enroll in:
MTH 154+MDE 54
MTH 155+MDE55
MDE 60
Student may enroll in:
MTH 101-133
MDE 10
Placement directly into MTH 162, Calculus, based on HSGPA and highest-level math courses taken, or ACT/SAT scores will be at the discretion of each college.
Measures for College Level English Readiness
Student readiness for college-level English courses will be determined using one of the following measures.
English Measures |
Standard |
English Course Options |
Graduation from high school or an equivalent homeschool six or more years before applying to a VCCS college
Competed VCCS Enrollment Survey
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
ENG 131
3.0 or higher
Less than 2.0
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111+EDE 11
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student must enroll in:
EDE 10
480 or above
400-470 range
Below 400
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111+EDE 11
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student must enroll in:
EDE 10
ACT - Subject Area Tests English and Reading
18 or above
15-17 range
14 and below
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111+EDE 11
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student must enroll in:
EDE 10
GED - Reasoning Through Language Arts
165 or above
Below 165
Student must enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student must enroll in:
EDE 10
VPT - Virginia Placement Test
Placed in ENG 111
Placed in ENF 2 or ENF 3
Placed in ENF 1 or lower
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student may enroll in:
ENG 111+EDE 11
ENG 115
ENG 131
Student must enroll in:
EDE 10
Accepting Multiple Measures for Placement Across Colleges
Student-reported HSGPA and standardized test scores recorded in the student information system at one VCCS institution shall be honored for placement by other VCCS institutions.
Because placement decisions for Pre-Calculus II and Calculus are based on HSGPA and highest-level math courses are college-specific, students who attend multiple VCCS colleges may experience different placement requirements for these courses.
Exceptions to Placement
Individual exceptions for higher-level placement must be approved by the chief academic officer or designee. Students may only be moved to a lower-level class at their request and with the approval of the chief academic officer.
Placement Testing Policy
Students who take the math and/or English Virginia Placement Test and do not enroll in developmental courses are allowed to take one retest within 12 months. Students who attempt a developmental course will be ineligible for a retest. Exceptions to this retest policy may be made on a case-by-case basis in accordance with established college procedures
Admissions to Specific Curricula
In addition to the general admission requirements above, specific requirements are listed for each program of the college where applicable. Among items generally considered in determining students’ eligibility for admission to a curriculum are their educational/ occupational experiences and other reasonable standards to ensure that they can successfully complete the program requirements. Students who do not meet the requirements for a specific program or course may improve their chances of eligibility by completing developmental courses.
Non-Curricular Admission (non-program-placed students)
Examples include specialized workforce training through an employer, personal interest courses, or courses taken by a student at another institution. Any student wishing to take a single course at the college must satisfy all required pre-requisites.
Credit courses
- Apply online at www.danville.edu/apply. *Virginia Residents: Please be sure to apply for in-state tuition rates on the application.
- Acceptance by the college does not ensure admission to a specific curriculum or course. Non-curricular students must satisfy all required course prerequisites or placement testing requirements before enrolling in specific college-level courses.
- Non-curricular students may meet with a DCC counselor to review course options.
Non-Credit Workforce Courses
See course schedule and register online at https://dcc.augusoft.net, or call Workforce Services at 434.797.6437.
Former students who have not been enrolled for a period of three years or more must submit a new application: danville.edu/apply
Auditing a Course
Students desiring to attend a course without taking the examination or receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit through the usual registration process and paying the normal tuition. Permission of the division dean or another appropriate academic administrator is required to audit a course. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as part of the student’s course load. Students desiring to change status in a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit must do so within the add/drop period for the course. Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay normal tuition to earn a grade other than “X.” Advanced standing credit should not be awarded for a previously audited course.
Dual Enrollment for High School Students
The major purpose of community colleges is to serve students who have graduated from high school or are beyond the compulsory age limit of the public school and have left public school. However, a qualified high school student may enroll at DCC, subject to the following conditions:
- Dual Enrollment Partnerships
Dual enrollment partnerships are governed by an annually renewable contractual agreement between the school or district and DCC to allow academically qualified high school juniors and seniors to enroll in college courses that are applicable to degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate programs offered at the college. Students from school divisions with whom the college has a current dual enrollment contractual agreement may enroll in college classes at DCC for dual enrollment credit. Courses taken for dual enrollment credit shall be transcripted on both the student’s college and high school transcripts.
- High-School Based Dual Enrollment Programs and Courses
DCC and school divisions may develop contractual agreements to offer dual enrollment program pathways, academies, and courses at the high school. Such offerings may be taught by approved high school teachers who meet Virginia Community College System faculty credential requirements and are qualified by the college to teach course(s) in the program of study. DCC faculty and administrators are responsible for identifying high school dual enrollment program offerings; selecting and qualifying high school faculty to teach college courses; professional development of dual enrollment faculty; and oversight and evaluation of program standards, including assessment of student learning outcomes, program learning outcomes and instructional effectiveness.
- Early College, Dual Enrollment Programs and Academies
DCC and school divisions may develop contractual agreements to offer dual enrollment program pathways and academies on the college campus. Such courses are taught by full-time or adjunct community college faculty.
- Independent Dual Enrollment
(Concurrent/Homeschooled Student Enrollment)
Independent dual enrollment allows individual high school students to enroll in courses at DCC. A qualified high school junior or senior may be admitted to any college-level credit-bearing course, with permission of the high school principal or designee and the parent. Participation in independent dual enrollment does not require a contractual agreement between the college and the school division. However, the high school student must meet dual enrollment admissions standards. Courses taken as independent dual enrollment shall be transcripted on the student’s college transcript.
Prior to admission, the college must receive a completed Concurrent Enrollment or Homeschooled Student Enrollment Form approved and signed by the student, the student’s parents and high school principal, and be approved by the DCC Admissions Committee. Students interested in independent dual enrollment should contact DCC Admissions.
Dual Enrollment Student Admissions
Private, Public, and Homeschool juniors and seniors who meet each of the following criteria may register in college-level credit-bearing courses:
- The student submits an Application for Admission (danville.edu/apply).
- The student is a rising public or private high school junior or senior or homeschool student studying at the high school junior or senior level.
- The high school student has permission of the principal or designee, and the parent.
- The homeschool student has permission of the parent.
- The student demonstrates readiness for each college-level credit-bearing course in which they want to enroll. High school and homeschool students are not eligible to enroll in developmental or direct placement co-requisite English and Math courses. In demonstrating readiness, a student must meet one of the criteria established for each type of course in which they want to be registered:
Course Type |
High School Transcript* |
Transfer** Courses (except Math) |
Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher |
or |
ERW score of 480 or higher |
or |
ERW score of 390 or higher |
or |
18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests |
or |
Placement into ENG 111 |
Career and Technical*** Courses (except Math) |
Current cumulative high school GPA of 2.0 or higher |
or |
ERW score of 480 or higher |
or |
ERW score of 390 or higher |
or |
18 or higher on both English and Writing subject area tests |
or |
Placement into ENF 1 or higher |
MTH 101-133 |
Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in high school math course |
or |
ERW score of 480 or higher Math score of 530 or higher |
or |
ERW score 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher |
or |
22 or higher on Math subject area test |
or |
Placement in MTH 111 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-3) |
MTH 154,155 |
Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in a high school math course |
or |
ERW score of 480 or higher and Math score of 530 or higher |
or |
ERW score of 390 or higher and math score of 500 or higher |
or |
22 or higher on Math subject area test |
or |
Placement in MTH 154 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-5) |
MTH 161,167
Individual colleges may establish criteria for direct placement into calculus or other high level math course
Current cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and a 2.0 (C) grade or higher in Algebra 2 or in a higher level math course |
or |
ERW score of 480 or higher and Math score of 530 or higher |
or |
N/A |
or |
22 or higher on Math subject area test |
or |
Placement into MTH 161 or higher (Satisfaction of MTE 1-9) |
*Cumulative GPA may be weighted or unweighted and may be self-reported. |
**A transfer course is any course that a college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for a Degree or Certificate that is designed to transfer (e.g., AA, AS, AA&S, AFA, Uniform Certificate of General Studies). |
***A career and technical course is any course that the college offers and will transcript in fulfillment of the requirements for degrees and certificates that are not designed for transfer (e.g., AAS, Certificate, Career Studies Certificates). |
4. In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria above, a dual enrollment student must meet all course pre/corequisites as listed in the VCCS Master Course File and established by the college at which the student is enrolled in the course.
Dual enrollment is restricted to rising high school juniors and seniors and homeschool students studying at the high school junior or senior levels. Admitting high school or homeschool students below the junior or senior level is considered exceptional. The college-ready status of each prospective student below the junior or senior high school level shall be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Such students must meet the above eligibility criteria and any other criteria as may be established by the college for participation of students below the junior or senior level in dual enrollment. Colleges shall have criteria and procedures for the case-by-case assessment of such students. Formal approval by the college president, or designee, is required for applicants who are below the junior or senior high school level to participate in dual enrollment.
Senior Citizens Admission
Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974, As Amended 1976, 1977, l982, 1988, 1999, 2003, and 2015 (SG)
Subject to SCHEV regulations and any legislative revisions, the Act gives senior citizens certain rights.
“Senior citizen” shall mean any person who, before the beginning of any semester in which such person claims entitlement to senior citizen benefits, (1) has reached sixty years of age, and (2) has had his legal domicile in Virginia for one year.
A senior citizen shall be entitled:
- To register for and enroll in courses as a full-time or part-time student for academic credit if such senior citizen had a taxable individual income not exceeding $23,850 for Virginia income tax purposes for the year preceding the year in which enrollment is sought;
- To register for and audit courses offered for academic credit regardless of income level; and
- To register for and enroll in courses not offered for academic credit regardless of income level.
Such senior citizen shall pay no tuition or fees for courses offered for academic credit or for courses not offered for academic credit, except fees established for the purpose of paying for course materials, such as laboratory fees, subject to a determination by the institution of its ability to offer the course or courses for which the senior citizen registers. The Council of Higher Education shall establish procedures to ensure that tuition-paying students are accommodated in courses before senior citizens participating in this program are enrolled. However, the state institutions of higher education may make individual exceptions to these procedures when the senior citizen has completed seventy-five percent of the requirements for a degree.
Interested senior citizens should contact admissions@danville.edu and complete the Senior Citizen Tuition Assistance Form. Any person meeting the above criteria will be admitted to a course only after all tuition-paying students have been accommodated. Completed forms should be submitted prior to the start date of the class.
Other Immigrant Status Admission
It is the policy of Danville Community College to admit those applicants who are immigrants residing in Virginia who have graduated from a Virginia high school with a high school diploma or equivalent, even if they are not able to document their legal presence. Those who are undocumented will pay tuition at the out-of-state rate. DCC will follow the State Council for Higher Education for Virginia Domicile Guidelines for establishing domicile.
Admission Denied / Revoked
The college reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse or revoke admission if the college determines that the applicant or student poses a threat, is a potential danger, is significantly disruptive to the college community, has provided false information or any information for a fraudulent purpose, or if such refusal or revocation is considered to be in the best interest of the college. DCC also reserves the right to refuse admission for applicants who have been expelled or suspended from, or determined to be a threat, potential danger or significantly disruptive by another college. Students whose admission is revoked after enrollment will be given due process. Please see Appeal Process for Revoked Admissions.
Language on the admissions application informs applicants that their information is being transferred to the State Police. In the event it is determined that a DCC applicant is listed on the Sex Offender Registry, the following procedures apply:
- A student who has been admitted to the college but not yet enrolled in classes will have their admission revoked, pending an evaluation by the College’s Threat Assessment Team (TAT). This will require the student to submit information regarding their type of conviction(s) and other details for evaluation. If the TAT concludes they are a threat, the student’s admission will be revoked and they will then be dismissed from the college. An appropriate service indicator will be placed on the student’s record, which will prevent the student from registering for classes. The student, in this instance, may invoke their right to an appeal process.
- If the applicant registers for classes and becomes a student before the college receives notification that they are listed on the Sex Offender Registry, the student will be informed within 10 business days that they will be evaluated by the College Threat Assessment Team (TAT). This will require the student to submit information regarding their type of conviction(s) and other details for evaluation. If the TAT concludes they are a threat, the student will be informed that they are being administratively withdrawn from classes and will receive a tuition refund. They will then be dismissed from the college. An appropriate service indicator will be placed on the student’s record, which will prevent the student from registering for classes. The student, in this instance, may invoke their right to an appeal process. Please see Appeal Process for Revoked Admissions.
Appeals Process for Revoked Admission
When a student’s admission is revoked, he/she may invoke the appeal process. The student will receive a certified letter/return receipt requested and official email from the Dean of Student Services or designee notifying the student of the revoked admission and outlining the appeal process.
- Student may write a letter of appeal to the Dean of Student Services in which he/she (1) provides justification for consideration of admission/ reinstatement and (2) discloses the nature of the offense and/or conviction serving as the basis for DCC’s action to revoke admission. The letter of appeal must be submitted to the Dean of Student Services within seven (7) business days of notification by the college (receipt of the certified letter).
- A panel of five (5) full-time faculty, staff and/or administrators will review the information submitted and make a decision by a simple majority vote within fourteen (14) business days of receiving the letter of appeal. The Dean of Student Services will serve as the convener of the panel and will be a member of the panel. Panel discussions will be confidential.
- If the panel determines that the withdrawn student represents a threat or potential danger to the college and/or the revoked admission/ withdrawn enrollment is considered to be in the best interest of the college, the following apply:
- The student’s admission to the college will remain revoked.
- The student will be administratively withdrawn from classes, if classes have been held.
- An enrolled student will receive a tuition refund. Tuition refunds will not be granted for students removed from the college for disciplinary reasons.
- The Dean of Student Services will inform the student by certified letter/return receipt requested and official email of the decision of the appeals panel. The decision of the appeals panel shall be final.
Domicile Requirements
The Virginia Community College System, including Danville Community College, is guided by the Code of Virginia and the regulations of the State Council of Higher Education on determining domicile. Each student applying for admission must complete a Domicile Determination Form in order to be declared legally domiciled in Virginia. Students must verify that one year before the date of entering the term for which they are requesting in-state tuition status, they have given up any previous domicile and were living in Virginia with the unqualified intention of remaining in Virginia. Please contact DCC Admissions for more information regarding residency requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to submit documentation and provide clear and convincing evidence regarding their domicile. In the event that a student’s circumstances change after a semester has begun, the student’s tuition status may be eligible for reclassification. This reclassification shall be effective for the next academic semester or term following the date of the application for reclassification. Students should follow DCC’s domicile appeal policy.
Domicile Appeals Process
A student who disagrees with an initial tuition classification may submit a Domicile Reclassification Form within ten (10) calendar days of the initial notification. The committee will respond to the appeal within fifteen (15) calendar days. The Domicile Appeals Committee, Ad Hoc, shall consist of two members of the Student Services area.
No person who serves at one level of this appeals process shall be eligible to serve at any other level of this review.
If the student still disagrees with the tuition classification, the student may file a final written appeal with the Dean of Student Services. This written appeal must be made within five (5) calendar days of the student’s notification of the first appeal. The Dean of Student Services will notify the student in writing of the final administrative decision within thirty (30) calendar days of the receipt of the appeal.
A student who is not satisfied with the outcome of the review by the Dean of Student Services may appeal to the appropriate circuit court. The student must file a petition for review with the court within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the decision by the Dean of Student Services.
Waiver of Requirements
Students having reason to believe that previous educational studies, training programs, or work experience may entitle them to an adjustment in the required courses in a particular curriculum should contact the Division Deans or Advisors at the college to determine procedures before registering for classes. Through subsequent interviews and tests, students may qualify for waiver of curriculum admission requirements, of course prerequisites, and of courses in a curriculum upon the recommendations of the faculty and the instructional division concerned.
Students may substitute equivalent or more sophisticated courses in the same field in any approved curriculum with the approval of the instructional division and the Chief Academic Officer or designee provided they can, by previous educational accomplishment or college administered examination, demonstrate the capability for success in the courses requested.
In addition, if students can demonstrate that previous educational study, training, work experience, or college administered examination results may entitle them to advancement in the courses required for a particular curriculum, upon request and with the approval of the instructional division and the Chief Academic Officer or designee, they may receive advance placement and credit in the course or curriculum for which advancement was requested.
If requirements are waived, students must successfully complete other courses to compensate for the credit hours.
Waiver of Credits
Credits waived are those normally required course credits for a particular program which are administratively exempted. Credits waived require election of additional credit courses to compensate for the credits waived.
Physical Education Requirement for Veterans
In accordance with VCCS Policy, the physical education requirements for the degree, diploma and certificate programs may be waived for veterans, and the college may grant up to 3 credits of physical education/health credits for basic military training to satisfy the physical education/health credit requirement of the veterans’ curricula.
Substitution of requirements for students with documented disabilities, covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended
Otherwise qualified students with documented disabilities who are, by reason of their disability, unable to complete a requirement of the program pursued by the student, with or without reasonable accommodations, may request an approved course substitution. [1]Substitutions will generally not be granted for any course that is deemed essential to the program of instruction being pursued by such student, or to any directly related licensing requirement. If requirements are waived, students must successfully complete other courses to compensate for the credit hours.
Credit for Prior Learning
Credit for Prior Learning is the administrative awarding of academic credit to students for subject matter competency acquired through previous academic study, nonacademic study, work experience or other nontraditional means.
The College may award academic credit for demonstrated student learning acquired through many means, to include but not limited to the following:
Equivalent coursework satisfactorily completed at a postsecondary institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and verified through receipt of an official transcript.
Satisfactory scores on locally-developed, comprehensive challenge examination developed and evaluated by college faculty.
Satisfactory scores on nationally recognized standardized examinations or college-approved external examinations. External examinations used for this purpose include but are not limited to the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) of the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES), Excelsior Credit by Exam (ECE), the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), Advanced Placement (AP) program, Cambridge Advanced (A/AS) examinations, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, and the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT).
Upon receipt of official test scores, as required by Virginia Code and the Virginia Public Higher Education Policy on Course Credit for AP, Cambridge, CLEP and IB, all Virginia community colleges shall accept a score of three (3) and higher for Advanced Placement (AP) courses, a score of four (4) or higher for higher level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, a score of five (5) or higher for standard level International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, a score of fifty (50) or higher on CLEP courses, and scores of E or better for Cambridge Advanced (A/AS) examinations when the equivalent course is offered by the college.
Occupational experience or training determined by faculty or a college-approved learning assessment service or process that student learning is at least equivalent to the course(s) in which academic credit is awarded. As applicable, when student training or an earned certification or licensure has been evaluated by sources such as the American Council on Education (ACE), the National College Credit Recommendation Service, or another college-approved organization, these evaluations may guide faculty recommendations.
Military education, experience, training and credentials gained from service in the armed forces of the United States recommended for academic credit by a national higher education association that provides academic credit recommendations when documented on a student’s military transcript issued by any of the armed forces of the United States.
Administration of Credit for Prior Learning
The determination of such credit must be made by qualified faculty members at the institution or according to procedures and standards approved by qualified faculty ensuring that assessment procedures are appropriate for the credit awarded.
If documentation and interviews are used in lieu of examinations, the institution must demonstrate that these methods provide assurances of academic comparability to credit earned by traditional means.
At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for an undergraduate degree are earned through credit instruction offered by the institution awarding the degree.
In awarding credit for prior learning, the institution must:
award credit only for documented learning that aligns the prior experience to course learning outcomes;
award credit only to matriculated students;
identify such credit on the student’s transcript as credit for prior learning;
adopt, describe in appropriate institutional publications, implement and regularly review policies and procedures for awarding credit for prior learning;
clearly describe and establish the validity of the evaluation process and criteria for awarding credit for prior learning;
designate a staff member or office responsible for the application of Credit for Prior Learning to student records and student records shall reflect Credit for Prior Learning and the applicable source (s) of that credit;
clearly post to current and prospective students, faculty, staff and administrators Credit for Prior Learning guidelines, policies, and procedures; and
include in college publications a statement that the college cannot guarantee the acceptance of Credit for Prior Learning by other institutions to which the student may transfer.
Police Academy Certificates
Per the Articulation Agreement between the VCCS and the Virginia Dept. of Criminal Justice Services, students who have satisfactorily documented successful completion of the VA State Police Academy or a Regional and Independent Certified Training Academy shall be awarded credit. Appropriate documentation is required and must be submitted to the Dean of Art, Sciences, & Business.
Using Advanced Standing for Graduation Requirements
There is no limit to the number of credits that may be awarded through advanced standing credit, with the exception of portfolio-based credit for prior experiential learning. Credit for portfolio-based prior experiential learning may be awarded for no more than 25% of the credit hours required for a degree. In addition, credit achieved through advanced standing may not be used to fulfill the graduation residency requirement. A minimum of 25% of the credit required for graduation in the curriculum must be earned at DCC. All accepted advanced standing credits will be acknowledged and recorded on the student’s permanent record with the transferring agency or other source of credit identified. No unsuccessfully attempted advanced standing applications or examination results will be recorded on the student’s permanent record.
The following shall apply:
- To earn credit for prior learning, a student must be admitted to the curriculum in which advanced standing is requested.
- Advanced standing will be awarded only for courses in which a student is not currently and has not been previously enrolled.
Course Acceptance Policy
- The program administrator responsible for evaluating a student’s previous coursework shall:
- Determine the acceptability of each course the student wishes to transfer or apply toward the program requirements based upon his/her knowledge of any changes that have occurred since the course(s) was completed;
- Give particular attention to courses in areas that have had significant technological changes in recent years (e.g., electronics, automotive, graphic imaging, information systems, administrative support technology, etc.);
- As deemed appropriate, seek the input of faculty or other administrators regarding the proper course of action.
- Courses which are determined to have outdated information and whose acceptance would not assure the student of having current skills may be used to meet elective credit requirements.
- Students who have kept their educational training current through their job activities may have their coursework given special consideration for acceptance.
- A student who wishes to challenge the non-acceptance of his/her coursework may do so by demonstrating his/her competencies in an appropriate manner to the administrator or appropriate faculty member.
- Because of the diversity of courses offered and the differences in changes that occur over a given time, no specific time frame can be established for courses whose content may have become obsolete. However, it is recommended that all courses taken more than five years ago be carefully reviewed for their current relevance.
- The decision to accept/not accept a course(s) should be made with the idea that a student’s graduation indicates current and relevant competencies in the program of studies.
Notification of Student Rights
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Sec.438, PUB.L. 90-247, as amended, sets forth requirements governing protection of students’ right to privacy in their education records and affords them a right to inspect such records. A copy of this legislation is on file in the Learning Resource Center.
As provided by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the college may disclose the following Virginia Community College System directory information items without the student’s prior consent::
- Student’s name
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams
- Degrees, honors and awards received
- Major field of study
- Dates of attendance
- Grade Level
- The most recent educational agency or institution attended
- Number of credit hours enrolled
- Photos
This information may be disclosed by the College without the prior consent of the student unless a written request is made to the Enrollment Services Office or the student sets appropriate privacy settings in the Student Information System before such time as the College is asked to make such disclosure. In any case, the College may disclose directory information from the education records of an individual who is no longer in attendance at the College. Students having questions pertaining FERPA may contact the College Registrar.
In compliance with the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), the college is prohibited from providing certain information from your student records to a third party, such as information on grades, billing, tuition and fees assessments, financial aid, and other student record information. This restriction applies, but is not limited, to parents, a spouse, or a sponsor. FERPA does permit the college to disclose information from a student record to a parent(s) or legal guardian(s) if they claim the student as a dependent for federal tax purposes, and Chapter 495, 2008 Virginia Acts of Assembly requires disclosure to those who claim the student as a dependent. The parent or legal guardian must present current tax information supporting this claim.
The student may, at his/her discretion, grant the college permission to release information about his/her student records to a third party by submitting a completed FERPA Consent to Release Educational Records form. The specified information will be made available only if requested by the authorized third party. The authorized third party must know the student’s password as indicated on the Release form before information can be released. Students should submit the completed form to the Admissions Office in person, by mail, or by fax. Please note that the authorization to release information has no expiration date; however, a student may revoke the authorization at any time by sending a written request to the same address.
NOTE: For the third party designee(s) you name on this form, this release overrides all FERPA directory suppression information that you have set up in your student record.
IMPORTANT: If the form is not completed in person, a notary verification will be required.
Transfer Between Curricula
Academic Division Dean or designee will review courses taken by student and award applicable credits.