Academic Advising: Danville Community College provides ongoing academic advising services to students. College staff members are professionally trained to help students with decisions on a broad range of educational and career concerns. Located in Wyatt 101, email:
Accessibility Services: Danville Community College believes in promoting an atmosphere free from inequity and partiality in which all students have access to educational opportunity. DCC believes in creating an inclusive and welcoming community for all students. DCC is committed to ensuring that all qualified students with disabilities have the opportunity to take part in educational programs and services on an equal basis. The College is committed to removing barriers, but also strives to ensure that students with disabilities receive access to reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in accordance with their documented disabilities.
In order that the College may assess each student’s needs and plan most effectively for his or her academic experience, the student should contact the Accessibility Services Office at
Student Success Coaches: The College Success Coaches help underserved students in their first year of study. The coaches are assigned a caseload. Their target population will be students who have 14 or fewer credits, who are considered underserved because of meeting one of more of three criteria: race/ethnicity, Pell status, and first generation. Coaches work closely with faculty and advisors to ensure that students are progressing and receive any support services needed. For more information contact
TRIO Southern Piedmont Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) The TRIO EOC provides services aimed at low-income and first-generation college students throughout southern Virginia. Headquartered at DCC, the EOC offers assistance completing admission and financial aid applications to any college or university, information on GED programs, scholarship information, career counseling and assessments, and academic advising. For more information, call 434.797.8577, email, or stop by the office on the first floor of the Wyatt Building (Room 109).
Student Activities Student activities are designed to provide meaningful educational, cultural, and social experiences. A current list of campus clubs and organizations may be found at All clubs, organizations and activities have a staff advisor and/or sponsor. Official recognition is given only to those clubs and organizations which have been approved by the Student Government Association and the Dean of Student Services. Should a sufficient number of students desire a particular activity, they must petition the Student Government Association for official recognition. For more information email
Student Handbook The student handbook describes student activities and organizations, student rights and responsibilities, and college rules and regulations. Students are bound by the policies set forth therein. The handbook is available on the college website.
Student Conduct It is assumed that persons of college age are responsible adults and will maintain standards of conduct appropriate to membership in the college community. Failure to meet standards of conduct may result in disciplinary probation, depending upon the nature of the offense. The Student Handbook includes the complete student conduct and discipline policies as well as the student initiated grievance procedure and explains the channels of communication available to students.
Information Technology Resources DCC provides telecommunications centers, library technological infrastructure, and computing centers to support the academic programs of the college. Users of these resources are expected to abide by the established Computer Ethics Guidelines.
Parking and Traffic All student, faculty, and staff vehicles parked on campus must bear a current DCC parking sticker. Reserved spaces for faculty and staff are clearly marked with yellow lines. Student parking spaces are marked with white lines. Designated parking areas marked with blue lines are provided at every campus building to accommodate disabled students. Parking permits are issued to students in the Student Center and Wyatt Building, Room 108. DCC has a 20 mph speed limit in parking lots and a 25 mph speed limit on Neathery Lane, which are strictly enforced. Anyone violating campus speed limits will have parking privileges revoked. Security personnel issue tickets for parking violations. Students who receive more than one ticket will be subject to the Student Conduct & Discipline Policies, which includes towing.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy DCC is committed to providing a drug-free environment for its employees and students. It is a violation of college rules for students to manufacture, distribute, dispense, or use controlled substances while participating in college-related activities, on or off campus. Students who are using or dealing drugs are subject to disciplinary procedures. Students convicted of drug-related offenses are required to notify the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Services within five days of such conviction. Students who are involved with drugs or who have drug-related problems are encouraged to contact the Dean of Student Services for assistance in obtaining treatment. (All such contacts will remain confidential.) For more information, see the Student Handbook or contact the Dean of Student Services. The college is committed to providing on-going educational information to students covering the effects and consequences of substance abuse.
Campus Security and Crime Awareness Annual Report In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (formerly known as the 1990 Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act), DCC annually provides the following information to students, faculty, staff, the College Board, and the community:
- Procedures for Reporting Crimes and Other Emergencies
- Access to the Campus, Facilities, and Campus Security
- Campus Awareness Programs Relative to Safety and Security
- Vital Statistics
- College Policy on Alcohol and Illegal Drugs
- College Policy on Sexual Misconduct
- College Policy on Firearms and Other Weapons
- Emergency Response and Communication.
The report is available online at
Policy for Animals (Pets) on Campus No pets or other animals are permitted on campus except for service animals used by persons with disabilities and animals used by the college for educational purposes. No animals may be left unattended on campus in parked vehicles.
Possession of Weapons Prohibited Possession or carrying of any weapon by any person, except a police officer, is prohibited on college property. Entry upon DCC property in violation of this prohibition is expressly forbidden. Any individual in violation of this prohibition will be asked to remove the weapon immediately. Failure to comply may result in a student conduct referral, an employee disciplinary action, or arrest.
Policy for the Prohibition of Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence and Stalking Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual violence are contrary to the policies of the State Board for Community Colleges and DCC. DCC shall not tolerate any verbal or physical conduct of this nature. As a recipient of federal funds, DCC is required to comply with Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. (“Title IX”), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities, admission and employment. Under certain circumstances, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, and similar conduct constitute sexual discrimination prohibited by Title IX. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the college’s Title IX Coordinator or to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. DCC’s Title IX Coordinator is located in Wyatt Room 108, and may be contacted by phone at 434.797.8538 or by email at All DCC students, employees, and visitors to the campus are covered by this policy. The official college policy, incident report form and community resources are available on the DCC website at
In addition, college employees will receive annual training and/or resources to ensure that legal concepts associated with sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual violence are understood; that instances of sexual misconduct, sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexual violence are promptly investigated and remediated; and that support services are available for complainants. The DCC Policy is not intended to substitute or supersede related criminal or civil law. Individuals should report incidents of sexual and domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking to law enforcement authorities. Criminal and civil remedies are available in addition to the potential remedies that the college may provide.
Learning Resources Center - Library, Tutoring, Testing, and Distance Learning Services
The Whittington W. Clement Learning Resources Center (LRC) is centrally located on the campus. The Learning Resources Center contains the Library, the Tutoring Center, the Testing Center, and Distance Learning Services. It provides information and instructional support services for the college community. It is open to students, faculty, and the community. For more information, please call (434) 797-8555 or visit
The Mary M. Barksdale Library is located on the upper level of the LRC. It houses a collection of more than 60,000 items in support of DCC instructional programs, including books, non-print media, periodicals, and more. Students and faculty have online access to over 150 databases that include thousands of digital journals, electronic full-text articles, e-books, and reference sources. The library offers reference assistance and the staff is available to instruct individuals or groups in the use of resources. Computers, printing, and scanning services are available for students, staff, and the public in the Library. For more information, please call (434) 797-8555 or visit
The Tutoring Center is located on the upper level of the LRC. The Tutoring Center is nationally certified by the College Reading and Learning Association and provides free tutoring to currently enrolled DCC students to support their DCC coursework. Tutoring is provided by trained professional and peer tutors. Both one-on-one peer tutoring and small group tutoring are available. In addition, students may also access Brainfuse, on or off-campus, for tutoring assistance through Canvas. Brainfuse offers online tutoring in various subjects, some available 24/7, with a staff of more than 2,000 tutors worldwide. For more information on tutoring services, call (434) 797-6432 or visit
The Math Lab is located on the lower level of the LRC (LRC 5), operates in conjunction with the Tutoring Center to provide walk-in tutoring services free to all DCC students. Experienced tutors offer assistance for a wide variety of math courses offered at DCC, including but not limited to algebra, calculus, and statistics.
For your convenience, the Math Lab welcomes walk-ins, making tutoring accessible to all DCC students.
Hours of operation:
For more information about the Math Lab or to inquire about specific course tutoring, please call 434-797-6431 or email
The Testing Center is located on the upper level of the LRC. They proctor both make-up tests and distance learning exams. They can also facilitate testing for distance learning students at off-campus locations. The Testing Center can administer tests as paper & pencil, internet, or secure browser-based exams. Tests are proctored during regular LRC hours. For additional information, contact the Testing Center at (434) 797-8404 or visit
Distance Learning Services is located in the Library on the upper level of the LRC, is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for faculty and students engaged in online learning at DCC. Under the direction of the Director of Learning Resources and Distance Learning Services, this team ensures the seamless delivery of educational programs through various services:
Maintenance of technology infrastructure to support distance learning
Provision of instructional technology for educational programs and activities
Administration of the Canvas environment at DCC
Support for web conferencing software access
Operation of a Canvas Help Desk for technical assistance to students and faculty
In addition, the library staff actively assists faculty in utilizing instructional technologies in their teaching. For faculty teaching online, professional development and training opportunities are offered to enhance online instruction.
For more information or assistance, individuals are encouraged to contact Distance Learning Services at (434) 797-8598 or visit Faculty and students alike are urged to take advantage of the resources and support available to enhance their online learning experience.