Program Info
Minimum credits: 16
Length: 1-2 semesters
Division: Career and Technical Education
Contact: 434.797.8433
Award: Career Studies Certificate
Plan Code: 221-514-35 CIP Code: 50.040
Program Description
The Career Studies Certificate in Graphic Communications provides both theory and application in the technological printing industry. Students will learn OSHA safety regulations, desktop publishing, and characteristics of printed works.
Program Outcomes: Graduates of this program will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the various processes of graphics reproduction.
- Apply skills necessary to utilize text and graphics to produce production ready copy.
- Demonstrate an understanding of capturing and reproduction of line art, line copy and continuous tone by conventional and electronic methods.
- Demonstrate an understanding of safety and health issues and of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
- Demonstrate design skills utilizing Adobe InDesign software.