Program Info
Minimum credits: 17
Length: 2 semesters
Division: Career and Technical Education
Contact: 434.797.6437
Award: Career Studies Certificate
Plan Code: 221-909-01 CIP Code: 47.0604
Length: A student can complete this program in 1 year.
Program Description
The Career Studies Certificate in Automotive Analysis and Repair Fundamentals Program is to help entry-level employees in the automotive and related trades to obtain job-specific knowledge and skills to improve their work performance and career status within the automotive analysis and repair program.
Completers will have entry level skills in the following occupational areas: auto parts sales, automotive repair assistant, lubrication & cooling systems assistant, brake system assistant.
Admission Requirements: Entry into this curriculum may be attained by meeting the general admission requirements established for the College.
Occupational Objective: Graduates of this program will have:
- Basic occupational skills for automotive analysis and repair fundamentals
- Basic skills and understanding of brakes, engines, lubrication, and cooling systems.
- Basic understanding of terms and terminology in the automotive profession
- Knowledge of safety requirements for automotive occupations.
- Occupational preparation skills for employment.
Program Outcomes: Graduates of the Automotive Analysis and Repair Fundamentals program will:
- Know and demonstrate an understanding of automotive analysis and repair fundamentals at the 80% proficiency level.
- Complete and pass the PS / 2 safety industry certification.
- Demonstrate the use of hand and power tools in the automotive fundamentals program.
- Practice fundamental automotive analysis and repair skills in the upkeep of automobiles
- Know and practice skills in the automotive analysis and repair occupation and obtain industry credentials in their specialized areas.
Industry Based Certifications may include NATEF Certification in Brakes; Lubrication; Engine Repair and PS / 2 Automotive Safety
Program Requirements: To be awarded a Career Studies Certificate the student must complete all requirements and successfully complete the program as follows: